Three Steps For Inspecting And Getting Rid Of Mold

Seeing mold grow all over surfaces in your home is enough of a sight to make your skin crawl. It can also cause some health problems if it's a more dangerous strain of mold. If you're in the middle of a mold problem in your house, you have to treat it with seriousness and care. Here are some of the steps that need to be taken.

1. Get mold inspection services from a professional

Getting mold inspection service from a professional can help you to find mold when it's growing in hard-to-find areas. They can also diagnose discoloration that you presume to be mold but aren't sure about. Mold is a type of of fungus. This fungus grows in areas that are moist and warm, which is why you are likely to find it on your bathroom walls, underneath bathroom and kitchen sinks, close to the foundation, and in crawl spaces throughout the home.

Find a mold inspection professional that has a keen eye and the right equipment. That way, you'll start your mold remediation plan correctly.

2. Know what kinds of mold commonly breed in households

Once it is confirmed that you do have mold in your home, you've got some decisions to make. Some forms of mold are innocuous and others require immediate remediation to keep you and your family safe. Examples of common mold strains found in households include Cladosporium, Acremonium, Stachybotrys, and Trichoderma. These mold types are distinguishable based on their colors, growth patterns, and shapes.

Each type of mold comes with its own potential danger. For example, Trichoderma is known to cause lung infections and severe sneezing. You will usually find this kind of mold in wood boards or underneath carpets. Cladosporium can cause ocular infections and nail infections if you come in close contact with it. Ask your mold inspector specifically what strain you're dealing with so that you can make a decision that is right for your health and household.

3. Get full-scale mold remediation when you need it

Make sure that you leave the full course of remediation to the professionals as well. They will get rid of the mold completely so that you don't have any lingering problems. The price you'll pay will be greater if you have a large infestation that makes it difficult to control the spread.

If you have some smaller mold issues in your home, you can spot treat them and note your results. A mixture of water and bleach, diluted hydrogen peroxide, or a solution of white vinegar are all useful mold treatment solutions.

Use these three tips so that you can wipe out mold in your home. Contact a company that offers mold inspection services to learn more.
